Don’t Take Your Shoes Off by Adam Mann

Don’t Take Your Shoes Off by Adam Mann

There is no doubt about it; ladies who wear high heels look great. I don’t know the sales figures but I’m sure that high heeled shoes must be one of the market leaders. But that’s not my point – my impression here is to try to offer three stories about ladies who have worn high heels with spectacular results:
Red High Heels is set in London, probably in the 1990’s. The man who appreciates the high heels is a stem-cell research scientist, who tries to help Roxanne put on her Red High Heels. Roger does a better job when she takes them off.
Helga’s Red Thigh Boots is set in Rotterdam, when climate change is beginning to emerge as a serious problem. The lady, Hufflepuff, wears high heels as she is tiny, but when Fred takes her to Canada in the winter she needs warmer shoes, so long red leather thigh boots is her solution.
Black High Heels starts off in the early 2000’s, when international aid is beginning to open up the economy in emerging economies like Vietnam, which brings an enjoyable clash of cultures between a Brit adviser and a lady graduate who eventually takes off her black high heels.
I hope you enjoy these stories. Most importantly tell me what you think, or better still, write a review.

Words: 58,866

BOX SET: Three romantic and sexy novels about the passionate adventures of ladies who wear high heels, with triumph and catastrophe.
Black High Heels:
Red High Heels:
Helga’s Red Thigh Boots:
At only $2.99 that means only 99cents for each eBook!


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