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Wallace Briggs

My thanks to Book Jumbo who provided the promised reviews from USA readers within 2/3 weeks of my request. Very satisfied with the results of Book Jumbo's promotion.


Sarah Jane Cion

In a marketplace so crowded it can be hard to be seen and read, THANK YOU, Book-Jumbo, for shouting about mine, especially this first one, which meant a lot to me.


Sabrina Beretta

“Thanks so so so so much for your support, which really helped during my promotional campaign. Thanks again! You’re the best!!!”


Stephen Briggs

Thank you for this service. I can’t believe how my sales have increased during this 21 day campaign. I have spent plenty of money on other promotions but this is the most bang for my buck. I will be using your services again in the near future for my other books.

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Donald Thomas

Donald Thomas Facebook Amazon Instagram Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. Born September 21, 1953, is a native of Brooklyn,

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Gary D. McGugan

Gary D. McGugan Facebook Twitter Instagram Amazon Goodreads Book Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I love to tell stories

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Gary Eby

Gary Eby Facebook Twitter Instagram Amazon Goodreads Book Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. Gary Eby MSW/retired is the author

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Kevin Wayne Johnson

Kevin Wayne Johnson Facebook Twitter Instagram Amazon Goodreads Book Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. As Founder and Chief Executive

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The features you need to grow your ARC team and promote your ARCs

Guidance for Readers

A book review service offers readers valuable guidance by providing in-depth analysis and opinions on various books. Readers can benefit from these reviews by gaining insights into the plot, writing style, and overall quality of a book before making a purchase or investing their time in reading it. This guidance helps readers make informed choices and discover books that align with their interests.

Exposure for Authors

For authors, a book review service can be a powerful tool for gaining exposure and reaching a wider audience. Positive reviews can generate buzz and attract potential readers who might be interested in their work. Reviews also provide constructive feedback that authors can use to improve their writing skills and enhance future works.

Increased Book Sales

Positive reviews from reputable book review services can significantly impact book sales. A favorable review can capture the attention of readers and create a sense of credibility and trust in the book. As readers rely on recommendations and reviews to make purchasing decisions, a positive review can boost sales and contribute to the success of an author's work.

Feedback for Improvement

Book review services offer authors valuable feedback on their writing. Constructive criticism from knowledgeable reviewers can help authors identify areas of improvement, such as plot development, character arcs, or writing style. This feedback allows authors to refine their craft, enhancing the quality of their future works.

Discovering Hidden Gems

Book review services play a crucial role in highlighting lesser-known or debut authors. By reviewing a wide range of books, these services can bring attention to talented writers who might otherwise go unnoticed. Readers who rely on these reviews may discover hidden gems and explore new authors, diversifying their reading experiences.

Curated Reading Recommendations

Book review services curate reading recommendations based on different genres, themes, or personal preferences. By offering a selection of books that align with readers' interests, these services save readers time and effort in searching for their next read. The curated recommendations ensure that readers are exposed to a variety of books that they are likely to enjoy.