Harry Watt Bounty Hunter by Rob Guy

2150 AD.

The Earth is running out of water. On Mars, civil war is looming, which is a pity because there’s enough of the wet stuff out there to last the human race for a thousand years.

Eager to get their hands on it is Hansel & Gretel, a multi-planetary corporation hell bent on owning every resource in the solar system.

Meet Harry Watt, a would-be bounty hunter who doesn’t much care for the water crisis as long as there’s enough of the stuff to put in his bourbon.

WHEN an employee of Hansel & Gretel is accused of theft but then high-tails it to Mars, it seems like just another felon retrieval job for Harry Watt. A trip to the Red Planet sounds like fun, but Harry soon discovers something stinks about his latest case, and it’s not one of his socks. To try and find the answers, he travels first to Venus Station to interview another ex-Hansel & Gretel employee. But it’s not easy to be in two places at once, and getting framed for murder doesn’t help, either.

AS the case unravels, Harry must call on all his skills to crack the secret of Mars. His dead partner, an erstwhile assistant, and a host of lady friends lend a hand too.


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