
Sandeep Patel







Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.

My name is Sandeep Patel, an author of four stories. My writing started from a non-fiction story that led to a sci-fi, adventure to a knowledge, adventure and then a spiritual fiction story. I am a father and a husband who lives in England, U.K. working in Logistics and Distribution of goods. I’ve studied at great educational institutes and working further to manage and direct English-Medium schools in Gujarat, India. My hobbies and interest include exercise, singing, films, cooking, preaching and making people laugh.


What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Bhagavan’s Guitar! I needed some questions answered on the foundation of Hinduism so I searched, found, and reconstructed the findings in a story fashion from my experience of writing three books prior. As any fine passionate writer knows the construction of a novel includes many interests than the reason of writing the story. Hence many reasons inspired me to write this so once a reader reads they’ll be understand the transcendental inspiration.


Do you have any unusual writing habits?

I wouldn’t know what to say about this besides I could not nowadays write in the same manner as I did the first, to the one I wrote second, third and fourth. Maybe it was because I what I was going through in my life at the time, the spirit that was driving me, the books I was reading at the time or the music I was constantly listening to. Unusual habits? No not at all.


What authors, or books have influenced you?

Straight off the bat: T.H. White, The Once and Future King. Yes Sir! Love this book and will find time to read this one again some day. The Holy Bible, as there are many stories and writing fashions within one book, so be it that it’s a holy book. Roger Stern – The Death and Life of Superman. I know but enjoyed the story and style. Dan Brown, The De Vinci Code. This book allowed me to see how a simple writing style can be enjoyed on many levels.


What are you working on now?

Honestly, I am not working on any more stories. I wholeheartedly believe what I have so far needs a return in opinions, compliments and critics before I consider writing more. Nevertheless the stories I have mainly are about personal development. There must come a time when the teachings of this must end so the actual life part of practice may commence. If I was to write a fifth a life story in a fantasy fairytale style (like Shrek) comes to mind for my daughter when she becomes a young woman who at present is only a toddler.


What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?

Word of Mouth has proven well so far, otherwise I direct link to my website http://www.goldlighthouse.org to get interests following I use mostly. This site not only hosts my books but also my ideas as a Spiritual Master.


Which Websites you like most to promote your book

New York Times


Do you have any advice for new authors?

Persevere and Enjoy.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?

Success follows Failure


What’s next for you as a writer?

Recognition and Response


If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?

The Good Omens, The Once and Future King, The Holy Bible, and far to say, a story by Stephen King

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